Northern and Yorkshire Division eNewsletter

The Northern and Yorkshire eNewsletter is a tool specially created for members within our region.

With two editions per year, you can enjoy articles on research, audit and QI, receive College and division updates, event information, and find out about the great work taking place throughout the division.

The articles can be anything from an interesting clinical encounter, examples of positive team work, resilience or burn-out issues, training experiences, account of an event you attended, a book review, or film critique relevant to our work.

Submit your articles for the Winter 2024 edition by Friday 15 November 2024

Please note:

  • Publication in the newsletter does not prevent you from presenting/submitting in another conference/journal.
  • Word count should be between a minimum of 500 and a maximum of 1,000.
  • Articles are only accepted subject to the discretion of the Editor. The Editorial team may need to make minor edits as per newsletter requirements.
  • We do not accept patient case reports and anonymous submissions.
  • Please provide a photo of the author/s. Other photos relevant to the articles are also welcome.

As previously the prize for the best article as judged by the Editorial team will be a monetary prize, this time to the value of £100.

Our Summer 2024 edition of the Northern and Yorkshire Division eNewsletter, can be read below:

Our Summer 2023 edition of the Northern and Yorkshire Division eNewsletter, can be read below:

Our Winter 2022 edition of the Northern and Yorkshire Division eNewsletter, can be read below:

Psychiatry – Northern and Yorkshire eNewsletter – Winter 2022 Edition

Our Spring 2022 edition of the Northern and Yorkshire Division eNewsletter, can be read below:

Psychiatry – Northern and Yorkshire eNewsletter – Spring 2022 Edition

Our Autumn 2021 edition of the Northern and Yorkshire Division eNewsletter, can be read below:

Psychiatry - Northern & Yorkshire eNewsletter - Autumn 2021 Edition



Our first edition of the Northern and Yorkshire Division eNewsletter, the Spring 2021 Edition, can be read below:

Psychiatry - Northern & Yorkshire Division eNewsletter - Spring 2021 Edition

The Northern and Yorkshire Division eNewsletter encourages submissions from anyone. We will consider any article that may be of interest to our readers in the RCPsych Northern and Yorkshire Division. This includes submissions from service users, carers, students, clinicians, psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, and members of the wider multidisciplinary workforce.

Guidelines for submissions

All article submissions must use the newsletter template and save the file as:

'Your full name_Spring/Autumn Edition 2022'

Maximum word count and article guidelines:

  • 500-1000 words for themed articles
  • 400-600 words for other non-themed articles
  • No more than five references should be included for each article.
  • Please submit all articles before the stated edition deadline. Any articles submitted after this deadline will not be considered.
  • Please send submissions or any eNewsletter related queries to
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