Supporting child and adolescent psychiatry trainees

Find out more about how we can support you through your training as a child and adolescent psychiatrist.

The first formal curriculum was developed in 2007/08, guided by the 1999 ‘CAPSAC Advisory Papers’.

The current curriculum is 136 pages and consists of 19 sections/ILOs. Most of the ILOs are mandatory and some are selective (optional in various combinations).

The forward to the curriculum states that, “We recognise that a curriculum is an evolving document that has to be useful to trainees and to trainers. There are dangers of brevity but also of too much detail. We have tried to strike a balance that will enable the recognition of excellence as well as identifying early the trainee who may need remedial support.”

The curriculum also defines the standard to be reached when a doctor applies for GMC Specialist Registration via the Certificate of Equivalence of Specialist Registration (CESR) route.

The curriculum is under review. Visit our curricula review section for more information.

Training Programme Directors (TPDs) are appointed by each Deanery School of Psychiatry chaired by the Head of the School.

The role is to lead all aspects of the training on the CAP higher training scheme.

This includes:

  • Allocation of training placements
  • Supporting and monitoring the higher trainees
  • Chairing the local CAP Training Committee
  • Carrying out the annual ARCP process with other members of the School of Psychiatry
  • Keeping in contact with CAPSAC.

What do we do?

Previously known as the faculty education and curriculum committee, our main role is to provide and monitor the implementation of the curriculum for higher specialist training in child and adolescent psychiatry.

When do we meet?

We meet formally three times per year. Every one or two years, the committee organises a national event for training programme directors to update them on developments and to promote communication with the committee.

Who's on the committee?

Currently there are nine members including the two trainee representatives. Membership is usually for five years and many members are current or past training programme directors. The committee is supported by staff from the College who act as a point of contact.

Contact the Specialty Advisory Committee at

Watch this space for future events.

See more in our training section, where you'll find information on exams, CPD and more.
You can also check out our research section to help you get started.
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