• Being sectioned under the Mental Health Act

    06 July 2015

    Claire Greaves recalls her experiences of the mental health services system, in conversation with Raj Persaud

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  • The Devil Wins:

    14 June 2015

    A History of Lying from the Garden of Eden to the Enlightenment. Author, Dallas G. Denery II, talks about the topic with Raj Persaud

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  • The Americanization of Narcissism

    13 May 2015

    Discussing her new book with psychiatrist Raj Persaud, Elizabeth Lunbeck explains 'The Americanization of Narcissism' published by Harvard University Press.

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  • The Stolen Years: Peter Byrne

    11 May 2015

    From delivering programmes of early intervention to navigating the fragmented systems of government institutions, how do we raise Mental Health up the list of public priorities?

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  • Sustainability, what is it and where are we now?

    01 May 2015

    Daniel Maughan, Royal College of Psychiatrists Sustainability Fellow, talks to Toby Pillinger about the work he has done over the past two years to improve the awareness of sustainability amongst ...

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  • Is there a resumption of political psychiatry in the former Soviet Union?

    09 April 2015

    A new paper in the academic journal 'International Psychiatry' published by the Royal College of Psychiatrists explores the issue: 'Is there a resumption of political psychiatry in the former Soviet ...

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  • 'The Novel: A Biography'.

    12 March 2015

    Michael Schmidt is editor of a new book entitled: 'The Novel: A Biography'. Here, he discusses the book with Raj Persaud

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  • An Atheist's History of Belief: Understanding Our Most Extraordinary Invention

    26 February 2015

    - Matthew Kneale discusses his book with Raj Persaud

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  • The Deepest Human Life

    12 February 2015

    Scott Samuelson, author of The Deepest Human Life, talks philosophy with Raj Persaud

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  • Ebola in Sierra Leone

    30 January 2015

    The Ebola virus in Sierra Leone - Dr Peter Hughes, in conversation with Dr Howard Ryland, reports on his recent role and experiences in Sierra Leone.

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