Advancing Mental Health Equity Collaborative: Wave 3

The National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH) are delighted to announce the launch of Wave 3 of the Advancing Mental Health Equity (AMHE) Collaborative.

Wave 3 of this groundbreaking collaborative offers a unique opportunity to tackle mental health inequity in your locality supported by the expertise of the NCCMH in quality improvement and co-production.

We are now accepting applications from organisations to join this latest wave of the AMHE Collaborative. Organisations in Wave 3 will have the opportunity to learn from other teams on the collaborative, in addition to teams that have taken part in Wave 1 and Wave 2.

Wave 3 Support Offer

Unlike the first two waves of AMHE, our Wave 3 offer is modular, targeting three levels of the organisation. We will help mental health services to use Quality Improvement (QI) techniques, empower middle management to connect across the organisation and support and develop leaders to nurture QI throughout your organisation. For organisations to truly embed equity work at all levels, we recommend signing up for all three levels of support. However, organisations can also sign up for one or more of the following offers of support:

Providers of Mental Health Care and Support

Support through tailored QI coaching, action learning set events to:

  • understand your local population
  • improve access, experience and outcomes for them in a sustainable way using a systematic approach 
  • measure impact through evaluation and co-production​ with people from the population.

Middle Management

Support through 1:1 coaching and action learning set events to: 

  • operationalise and spread equity and the equality work 
  • understand how managers can be system integrators and have system oversight
  • coach their supervisees for success and to influence the organisational leadership. 

Board and leadership level

Support through 1:1 reverse mentoring and shared reflective practice spaces with other senior leaders to: 

  • drive success and provide the necessary resource to make the AMHE projects move forward
  • understand and help to deliver the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF) in their trust
  • develop as an ally, work with and develop leaders with lived experience in their organisation. 

To help you complete the online application form, we have created this PDF document that document lists the information that you will need to gather to apply.

Wave 3 timeline

The key dates for the launch of this wave of the collaborative are as follows:

  • Applications open on 14 March 2024. This will be open for a month. If you wish to join the collaborative and begin to work to tackle mental health inequity in your local area, you can apply to join the collaborative from this date using this application form.
  • Q&A session on 14 March (14:30 - 15:15). Watch the recording.
  • Applications close on 31 May.
  • Teams receive outcome of their application in June.
  • Initial calls with the AMHE coaches will take place in June.
  • Launch of Wave 3 in September 2024. This will be when Wave 3 of AMHE collaborative formally begins. Between June and September teams will complete a preparatory workbook and co-develop their bespoke support package.

Watch our Q&A Webinar

Find out more about the collaborative and what you need to do to take part from the AMHE programme team and a representative from a Wave 1 AMHE project team.

View the Q&A slide deck

What is AMHE and why is it important?

Watch our president Dr Lade Smith CBE explain the AMHE Collaborative's background, the new approach and how it will benefit your organisation.

How does AMHE help organisations engage in coproduction?

Watch AMHE patient representative Mark Farmer explain why and how coproduction is central to AMHE.

What will you gain from taking part in AMHE?

Watch Wave 1 team member and expert by experience, Jo Poole from Somerset NHS Foundation Trust describe how AMHE enabled her team to introduce initiatives to reduce isolation and promote good mental health in their local rural community.

Resources and further help

You can find out more about the current QI support provided to organisations currently on AMHE on our waves 1 and 2 webpage.

If you wish to see more about the work of organisations participating in Waves 1 and 2, including some of the populations identified and progress made so far, please see our AMHE Collaborative resources page where you can find case studies and recordings of presentations delivered by teams at our quarterly learning sets.

If you have questions please do get in touch via or direct message us on Twitter at @NCCMentalHealth.

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