Organisations and Learning Networks

Find out which organisations are taking part in the programme.Click through our interactive map below to find out which wards each organisation has nominated to be involved, and the details of their key contacts.

Organisations are colour coded according to the learning network they are part of.

Learning Network Delivery TeamsEach Learning Network (group of 6-7 organisations) receives bespoke coaching and support from a dedicated delivery team made up of quality improvement coaches, leadership coaches and lived experience advisors.

Find the details of who is supporting each learning network below.


Map of south west of England highlighting the following NHS Trusts: Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Avon and Wiltshire and Livewell Southwest..

Senior Quality Improvement Advisor: Adele de Bono

QI coaches: Megan McKee & Delicha Changa

Leadership coach(es): Anna Burhouse

Lived experience advisor(s): Grace



Map of south east of England highlighting the following NHS Trusts: Berkshire, Essex, Cambridge and Peterborough, Oxford and Norfolk and Suffolk.

Senior Quality Improvement Advisor: Renata Souza

QI coaches: Josh Bailey, Anna Roach & Rachael McGowan

Leadership coach(es): Brendan Stone

Lived experience advisor(s): Antonia Aluko



Map of middle of England highlighting the following NHS Trusts: Birmingham Women and Childrens, Birmingham and Solihull, Black Country, Coventry and Warwickshire, Midlands, North Stafordshire, Herefordshire.

Senior Quality Improvement Advisor: Adele de Bono

QI coaches: Niamh Roberts, Anna Roach, Aarti Agrwal, Josh Bailey & Delicha Changa

Leadership coach(es): Helen Smith & Anna Lewis

Lived experience advisor(s): Jo Green


Map of Yorkshire in England highlighting the following NHS Trusts: Bradford, Humber, Leeds and York, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley, South West Yorkshire and The Priory.


Senior Quality Improvement Advisor: Ros Warby

QI coaches: Niamh Roberts, Megan McKee & Hannah Lautch

Leadership coach(es): Jonathan Warren

Lived experience advisor(s):  Grace


Map of the East Midlands of England highlighting the following NHS Trusts: Derbyshire, Nottingham, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and St Andrews.


Senior Quality Improvement Advisor: Ros Warby

QI coaches: Gbenga Adedeji, Clem Fitch Bunce, Liah El Fadel

Leadership coach(es): Jonathan Warren & Helen Smith

Lived experience advisor(s): Lucy Gilbert


Map of the south of England showing the following organisations: Gloucestershire, Elysium, Southern, Isle of Wight, Solent and Bramley Health.

Senior Quality Improvement Advisor: Aarti Gandesha

QI coaches: Rachael McGowan & Aarti Agrawal

Leadership coaches: Lorraine Sunduza

Lived experience advisor(s): Lucy Gilbert


A map of northern England showing the following organisations: Northumbria, Pennine, Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber, Sheffield and Navigo.

Senior Quality Improvement Advisor: Saiqa Akhtar

QI coaches: Hannah Lautch & Liah El-Fadel

Leadership coaches: Jonathan Warren

Lived experience advisor(s): Jo Green


A map of Greater London, England showing the following organisations: Hertfordshire, West London, Central North West London, North London, East London and North East London.

Senior Quality Improvement Advisor: Renata Souza

QI coaches: Rianna Herbert & Jaz Seerha

Leadership coaches: Anna Lewis

Lived experience advisor(s): Antonia Aluko


Map of south east England showing the following organisations: South West London and St Georges, Oxleas, South London and Maudsley, Kent and Medway, Surrey and Borders and Sussex.

Senior Quality Improvement AdvisorAarti Gandesha

QI coaches: Bethan Warner & Rianna Herbert

Leadership coaches: Anna Burhouse & David Hall

Lived experience advisor(s): Antonia Aluko


Map of north west England showing the following organisations: Mersey, Lancashire and South Cumbria, Cheshire and Wirral, Greater Manchester, Cygnet, Gateshead and Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear

Senior Quality Improvement AdvisorSaiqa Akhtar

QI coaches: Gbenga Adedeji & Caitlin Cockcroft

Leadership coaches: David Hall

Lived experience advisor(s): Molly Anderton

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